美味しい冷凍宅配食 Delicious Frozen Meals
Casablanca Restaurantの味をご自宅へお届けします。 Delivered right to your door from the Casablanca Restaurant.

鎌倉市にあるCasablanca Restaurantが、新たに美味しい冷凍宅配食サービスをはじめました。手軽にご自宅で世界各国の味わいをお楽しみいただけるこのサービスでは、いつでも特別な外国料理をご堪能いただけます。


Casablanca Restaurant in Kamakura City is excited to launch a delicious new frozen meal delivery service. Now, effortlessly enjoy exceptional international cuisine at home.

We carefully prepare our dishes with mostly local ingredients, balancing taste and health. Check out our menu and treat yourself to a world of flavors anytime!

Why Choose Casablanca Meals
  • 美味しさを閉じ込める冷凍方法

  • 最短5分時短調理

  • 無料配達

Popular Menu
How To Cook
  • パウチの封を切らずに多めの沸騰したお湯の中に入れる。
    Place the unopened pouch directly into plenty of boiling water.

  • 茹でて、美味しいうちに召し上がる。
    Boil and enjoy while it's hot and delicious.

Our Chef

中村 康高 / Yasutaka Nakamura


A culinary school graduate, developed his expertise in French cuisine and worked as head chef, with a commitment to local ingredients and healthy menu innovation.

About Casablanca Restaurant

カサブランカレストランは、鎌倉市 稲村ヶ崎駅徒歩3分にあるインターナショナルレストランです。

Casablanca Restaurant is an international restaurant located a 3-minute walk from Inamuragasaki Station in Kamakura.

The restaurant's entrance is located across the railroad tracks. And from inside it offers a close view of the Enoden train.
Our shop has a wide variety of restaurant's menu for you to enjoy at home anytime you like.


Casablanca Restaurant
稲村ガ崎駅 徒歩3分
Tel. ‭046 740 4730‬